The only certainty is uncertainty.

There is no way to draw future scenarios. When the algorithms of companies so solid in their consumption predictions such as Amazon, Expedia or Booking do not know what the next move of their customers will be, the situation is really atypical.

The impact of #Covid19 has dramatically changed the digital behavior of citizens. This, added to the uncertainty generated by the erratic policies of the rulers, makes it really difficult to establish a minimum strategy in the face of the long-awaited recovery.

One thing that is clear is that we are more aware than ever of the importance of analyzing data. Which destinations are future post-Covid19 tourists looking at and why (what campaigns are they doing to attract or transmit safety), which airlines are allowing cancellations without penalty and maintaining which routes, what type of hotels are communicating better and what actions are they taking for the return (such as changes in their processes related to health security in rooms and dining rooms), etc.

Listening to the client now will allow us to better serve their future needs, better reach them in our promotion and win the battle of recovery earlier. Do you dare to start with any of these actions?

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